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DM Weekly Digest 27/05/22

Afghanistan: Taliban force women newsreaders to wear face coverings - as male colleagues act in solidarity


The Taliban have begun enforcing an order requiring women newsreaders to cover their face on air.  Read more here.



Girl tried to kill herself after strip-search by Met officers, mother says


In the second incident of this kind to be uncovered in recent months, a mother says she believes ‘racial stereotyping’ was a factor in her mixed-race daughter’s case.  Read more here.



Police admit they are 'ashamed' of racism - and pledge new zero tolerance


Nearly 25 years after black teen Stephen Lawrence was murdered and police were heavily criticised for racism, officers say there is still "much to do" to win the confidence of black people, but vow: "We will."  Read more here.



Pregnant woman who says male colleague told her maternity leave like a "holiday” gets payout


A pregnant woman who says a male colleague told her maternity leave was “like an extended holiday” has won a £15,000 payout.  Read more here.



Claire Denis talks gender equality at Cannes: “It’s harder for women to make films”


Making films is harder for women than for men, according to French director Claire Denis at Cannes this week.  Read more here.



Race at work: how hard are companies really trying?


Dismantling systemic racism is a huge task, but many employees think organisations are failing to take it seriously.  Read more here.



Birmingham communities feel ‘ignored’ by Commonwealth Games bosses


Panel says organisers have failed to engage city’s diverse groups in a meaningful way.  Read more here, and the full report here.



Putin’s problem with the LGBT community is used to justify Russia’s war on Ukraine


The state is pushing back against the LGBT community, with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Read more here.



Call for evidence for National Disability Strategy inquiry


The Women and Equalities Committee is scrutinising the implementation and further development of the Government’s National Disability Strategy, which was published in July 2021.  Read more here.



‘I was dismissed as simple’: People reveal the reality of disability discrimination at work


Disability discrimination at work is illegal - but it still happens.  Read more here.



Cancelled LGBT conference could cost Government more than £500,000


The Safe To Be Me conference was axed after a row over the Government’s stance on banning conversion therapy for transgender people.  Read more here.



The Queen's Platinum Jubilee



Events, news and articles of interest to mark the Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend, which takes place from 2nd to 5th June.  Read more here.








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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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