Policy and strategy development

To ensure that an organisation demonstrates it has inclusive practices, this means having the appropriate policies, procedures and strategy in place. 

We offer a range of services to ensure that your policies and procedures are inclusive.  This also ensures that your practices are adhering to the Equality Act and they are fit for purpose.

We can support you in the following ways:

  • Policy review – we can review your HR/Diversity and Inclusion policies to ensure they are inclusive, adhere to legislation and good practice relating to all equality groups/protected characteristic groups.
  • Develop policies and procedures – we can develop policies for your organisations including Diversity and inclusion policies, Dignity at Work, Anti Bullying and Harassment policies, Reasonable adjustment policy/Disability policy, Menopause policy, Mental health policy, Wellbeing policy, and Domestic abuse.
  • Line manager guidance including supporting disabled employees, supporting employees with mental health issues, supporting Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual employees, Supporting Trans employees, Faith and Cultural inclusion.

Additional policies, procedures,  and guidance can be developed as requested by our clients.

Strategy development

We can also support you in developing an organisational Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy which is aligned with your organisational values and objectives.

We will work in partnership with you in developing your strategy.  We can do this following a Diversity and Inclusion audit or by working with your senior managers and teams with your intelligence to develop a strategy that is SMART.

We will work with you to ensure:

  • There is alignment with your current policies and practice – but also ensuring you are focusing on the right things
  • Goals are achievable
  • There are measurable outcomes
  • There are communications with your team throughout the process
  • We seek feedback from appropriate teams/individuals within the organisation
  • Resource implications are addressed

We can work with you to develop a stand-alone Diversity and Inclusion strategy or action plan. Alternatively, we can work with you to ensure that Diversity and Inclusion actions and outcomes are inclusive within your organisational strategy.
We will meet with you throughout the process to ensure the strategy meets your needs.

Contact us if you would like to discuss.