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DM Weekly Digest 26/11/21

This week in the news we've seen a baby being banned from the Commons, a shocking report on the Windrush compensation scheme, another case of racial injustice in the US and we end on a positive news story on supporting learning difficulties in the workplace.


The road to reform: have things improved for Qatar’s World Cup migrant workers?


A year before kick off, workers claim companies are refusing to enforce sweeping new labour laws created to stamp out human rights abuses. Read full article here.


A new republic is born: Barbados celebrates ditching Britain's queen


"This is the end of the story of colonial exploitation of the mind and body," said Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, a Barbadian historian. Read full story here.


Windrush: Home Office has compensated just 5% of victims in four years


Report from cross-party MPs calls for scheme to be taken away from Priti Patel’s department. Read more about this damning report here.


Balwinder Singh Rana: the fearless anti-fascist who fought racism at work – then on the streets


When Rana came to Britain from India, aged 16, he encountered racism for the very first time. Soon he was dedicating his life to the fight to end it. A great interview from Ammar Kalia here.


How the murder of Ahmaud Arbery further exposes America’s broken and racist legal system


The shooting of a man who was ‘running while Black’ has prompted calls for racial justice in the US. Read more about this high profile case here.


Another death, another vigil – but when will we see real change?


Analysis: as an investigation into Bobbi-Anne McLeod’s murder opens, ONS figures reveal the stark reality of violence against women and girls here.


No babies allowed in Commons, MP Stella Creasy told


Stella has said it "has to be possible for politics and parenting to mix" after being told she cannot sit in the Commons with her three-month-old son. This has sparked lots of debate this week, read the story here.


LGBT Qataris call foul ahead of 2022 World Cup


LGBT Qataris are at risk despite gestures toward inclusion. The article explores the dangers to LGBT here.


Protests begin as anti-LGBT Christian group invites MPs to pro-conversion therapy conference


A group, who recruit therapists offering ‘support to people with unwanted same-sex attraction’, has invited MPs to the all-day conference. Read more about this here.


Labour pledges tougher sentences for LGBT hate crime


Anneliese Dodds said there was currently a mismatch between the sentencing available. The party has said the changes to existing laws would help make the system more equitable and would help keep LGBT+ and disabled people safer. Read the full story here.



Face mask anger leads to rise in disability hate crime in Glasgow


A big rise in disability hate crime has been recorded in Glasgow. Charges reported to the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal for the first six months of this year are already almost the same as for the whole of last year. Read full story here.


Learning disabilities: Call to help people into work


When Andrew Williams was offered a placement at a family-run garage, it was only supposed to last a few weeks. But the 49-year-old, who has Down's Syndrome, is now celebrating 30 years' work for the tyre fitter. A positive news story here.

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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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