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DM Weekly Digest 12/08/2022

'Dear Bradford'


From Muslim ‘no-go areas’ to Brexit-voting white nationalists, stereotypes continue to be perpetuated about Bradford 21 years after the ‘race riots’. Farhaan was born in the city in the 1980s to a family of south Asian Muslim heritage. View here.



Police watchdog 'concerned' by cases of child strip searches by Met officers


The police watchdog has studied another 13 cases of child strip searches by Metropolitan Police officers in the wake of the Child Q scandal.  Read more here.



Serena Williams’ unapologetic greatness is a beacon to Black girls everywhere


Serena showed Black girls that they have to be confident and proud of themselves, writes Etan Thomas here.



Bristol bus boycott organiser Roy Hackett dies aged 93


Mr Hackett was one of the organisers of the Bristol Bus Boycott, a successful campaign to overturn a ban by Bristol Omnibus Company on employing black and Asian drivers and conductors.  Read more here.



The librarian who defied the Taliban


Wahida Amiri wanted one thing: equal rights for Afghan women. The right to go to school, to work, to be heard.  Read more here.



17 of the biggest, brightest and queerest moments in Eurovision history


Pink News celebrates the contest's return to Britain.  Read more here.



Towards a new partnership between disabled people and health and care services: getting our voices heard


This long read sets out the findings of research carried out by The King's Fund and Disability Rights UK into how disabled people are currently involved in health and care system design, and what good might look like.



Staffing, training and use of restraints criticised as CQC hits NHS mental health and learning disability trust with 'requires improvement' rating


Learning disability and autism wards run by the Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Trust (CNTW) have been hit with a rating of "requires improvement" after an inspection from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in May this year.  Read more here.



Silence from Truss and Sunak on how they would improve lives of disabled people


The two candidates to be the next leader of the Conservative party – and to take over from Boris Johnson as prime minister – have refused to say how they would improve the lives of disabled people if they won the contest.  Read more here.



UK launches call for evidence on potential racial and gender bias of medical devices


The review aims to gather insights from experts and organisations on the potential racial and gender bias of medical devices to tackle disparities in healthcare.  Read more here.




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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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