Diversity & inclusion - why does it matter?


DM Weekly Digest 24/06/2022

Windrush: only one in four applicants have received compensation


Figure comes four years after people wrongly classified as illegal immigrants were promised redress.  Read more here.



‘They will butcher our stories’: how British TV is failing Muslims


In spite of successful shows like We Are Lady Parts and Ms Marvel, there are still not enough Muslim stories on our screens.  Read more here.



When it comes to climate resilience, gender matters


Attention is turning not just to how we can mitigate and adapt to climate change but how to foster resilience among the communities most affected by it.  Read more here.



Beyond Pride: How can FE take Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion forwards?


Dan Howard, Operations Director at the educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning NCFE, reflects on his own experiences and what the sector can do once the month-long celebration is over.  Read more here.



How can we improve diversity and inclusion in tech?


Charlotte Goodwill, head of apprenticeships at The Institute of Telecoms Professionals, explains why employers need to challenge perceptions.  Read more here.



The Royal Family’s links to slavery, colonialism and race


Sky News explores the Royal Family's uncomfortable links to slavery, colonialism and race in the countries where the Queen remains the head of state.  Find out more here.



Raheem Bailey: 'Racism and constant abuse' of boy who lost finger. 


An 11-year old boy who lost his finger reportedly fleeing bullies was subjected to months of racist abuse and bullying, his mother has said. Read more here.



Chair of the review into the treatment of LGBT veterans announced


Lord Etherton PC QC has been appointed as the chair of the independent review into the impact the historic ban on LGBT military personnel had on veterans.  Read more here.



Learning Disability week (20-26 June): improving outcomes for people with a learning disability in Wales


Learning Disability Week, launched by the charity Mencap, is an initiative which aims to ensure “the world hears what life is like if you have a learning disability”.  Read more here.



NHS England signs Menopause Workplace Pledge


NHS England has signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge in a move that demonstrates a commitment to ensuring employees experiencing the menopause feel well informed and supported while at work.  Read more here.


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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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