Diversity & inclusion - why does it matter?


DM Weekly Digest 20/05/22

Black students frustrated at lack of action on university racism, MPs told


Academics and student leaders tell committee black students and staff face ‘ingrained institutional racism’.  Read more here.



Buffalo shooting shines light on racist ‘great replacement’ theory


Idea that minorities are conspiring with Democrats to displace white Americans gains traction on far right.  Read more here.



Barbie to add more dolls with disabilities to its range


The iconic lineup of Barbie dolls is expanding to include more with disabilities.  Read more here.



LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell refuses ‘national treasure’ jubilee offer


Peter Tatchell has refused an invitation to be declared a “national treasure” at the Queen’s platinum jubilee.  Read more here.



UK physical science funder acts to rid its peer review of gender bias


The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has announced its plan to tackle persistent under-representation of women in the physical sciences and engineering by trying to address gender bias in peer review.  Read more here.



Blackpool footballer Jake Daniels becomes first active openly gay professional player in Britain


Blackpool Football Club player Jake Daniels has become the first active male professional to come out as openly gay in Britain in three decades.  Read more here.



Derry Girls extra trailblazes way for actors with disabilities


An extra in the final season of Channel 4's Derry Girls has spoken out about the importance of representation for actors with disabilities.  Read more here.



Autism Prevalence Rising Globally


New research finds that autism prevalence is growing around the world and experts say that shows progress.  Read more here.



MSP Fiona Hyslop backs Girlguiding campaign to address gender equality issues in school


MSP for Linlithgow, Fiona Hyslop, has backed a campaign by Girlguiding Scotland to address gender equality issues in schools.  Read more here.



In the run up to Pride, companies need to learn how to really be allies


The trans community needs support more than ever, and influential companies have a chance to make a real and meaningful impact.  Read more here.




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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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