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LGBT Conservatives.jpeg

DM Weekly Digest 08/10/21

Human rights lawyers call on UK government to ban ‘conversion therapy’


Experts say all practices, including prayer, aiming to change sexual orientation or gender identity must be criminalised. Read this important story here.


NHS England to offer breakthrough treatment for sickle cell disease


Crizanlizumab is the first new therapy for 20 years for serious and lifelong health conditions. Sickle cell disease is particularly common in people with an African or Caribbean background - read full story here.


Finn Mackay: the writer hoping to help end the gender wars


The sociologist and feminist campaigner believes it is possible to champion both women’s and trans rights. Can their new book help define some common ground? Find out here.


Bernardine Evaristo picks black authors for London ‘short story stations’


Author teams up with Canary Wharf to distribute short works by five writers during Black History Month. Read here.


Senior black union leader condemns ‘colour-blind’ levelling up


Patrick Roach of teachers’ union NASUWT says policy would not end discrimination against black workers. Read what he has to say here.


City of London backs 'retain and explain' for two slavery-linked statues


Representatives of the City of London municipal authority on Thursday voted in favour of retaining in their Guildhall headquarters two statues linked to the transatlantic slave trade. Read full story here.


I’m sick of society telling women we must protect ourselves from violent men


"I don’t want to learn how to protect my drink in a club, or buy a contraption to make sure my door stays locked. I want to live in a world where women like Miya Marcano don’t live in fear". Read Tayo Bero's important opinion piece here.


Windrush activists ‘disgusted’ after being turned away at Tory conference


Anthony Brown and Julia Davidson ‘humiliated’ after being shut out despite paying £225 for full access. Full story here.


Malaria vaccine: 'Let's save lives, let's work together'


People in Africa have been reacting to the historic announcement that children across much of the continent are to be vaccinated against malaria. Read comments from a range of people here.


LGBT Conservatives group put in ‘section 28’ at party conference


At this year’s Tory Party conference in Manchester, the LGBT Conservatives group was ironically placed in section 28.
In 1988, Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government introduced Section 28 – a series of laws that prohibited the “promotion of homosexuality”. Read more about this blunder here.


Disability hate crime victim wants to help others


A woman with learning difficulties who was verbally abused in the street has said she wants to help other victims of hate crimes. An inspiring story here.


Business Disability Forum publishes new resources on employee wellbeing


Ahead of World Mental Health Day 2021 on 10 October, Business Disability Forum has published two free resources to help all employers promote employee wellbeing and resilience. Find out more about these resources here.


Kit clashes between red and green teams will be banned from 2027 Rugby World Cup to help colour blind fans


If Ireland play Wales, one of the teams will be forced to wear a change strip, in a move designed to aid the 8% of fans who are colour blind. Great to see this move, read more here.

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It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

As it’s Deaf Awareness Week we have included articles that affect the deaf community including some groundbreaking treatment. We have...

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