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DM Weekly Digest

Welcome to the DM Weekly Digest! Diverse Matters team member, Adam Nelmes, brings you some of the latest and most interesting equality, diversity & inclusion news stories that you need to know about.


Greater Manchester and London join forces to support entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds with launch of first diversity, equity and inclusion trade mission to North America.


Black, Asian and mixed background tech entrepreneurs from Greater Manchester and London will join a five-day virtual trade mission ending today (7 to 11 June).


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Buckingham Palace banned ethnic minorities from office roles, papers reveal.


The Queen’s courtiers banned “coloured immigrants or foreigners” from serving in clerical roles in the royal household until at least the late 1960s, according to newly discovered documents that will reignite the debate over the British royal family and race.


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England braced for backlash if Craig Overton replaces Robinson.


Robinson has been stood down from the squad to play New Zealand at Edgbaston in the match starting on Thursday pending the outcome of an investigation into the offensive tweets that emerged during his debut in the Lord’s draw last week.


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The top 20 Fortune 500 companies on diversity and inclusion


More and more companies and CEOs are learning that a strong business is one that includes people with disabilities as well as diversity in race, gender, and cultural backgrounds, and business leaders across industries have pledged to become more diverse and inclusive.

The reality: More than talk is needed.


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Windrush victim wrongly threatened with forced return to Jamaica in final years, report finds


The Home Office made repeated errors that caused a man who had lived in the UK for more than 50 years to be classified as an illegal immigrant and threatened with arrest, prison and forcible removal, the parliamentary ombudsman has found.


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June marks the start of Pride month.  Read this weeks diversity, inclusion and equity news and updates. #LGBT+ inclusion...

It is difficult to avoid all the politics in the week the UK announces the date for the next general...

In this digest, news includes stories regarding gender equity, sexual harassment health inequalities and mental health in the workplace. ...

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