Our team

Rachel Samuels

Diversity and Inclusion Consultant and Coach

Rachel is  passionate about diversity and inclusion and sit as a trustee on boards and steering groups such as Feminine, Progressive community and Lambeth professional youth network. She always seeking out new ways that she can innovate communities, teams and individuals to be more inclusive and create products and services that really reflect and celebrate the uniqueness of diverse cultures and backgrounds and the value they can bring to the table when they are all able to be involved in society and community by being given the access and opportunity to do so. Rachel is also experienced at delivering Diversity, Inclusion and Equality learning, Race inclusion/anti racist practice and gender inclusion to both staff and volunteers.

With over 10 years experience of working within the charity sector, working specifically with trauma based victims, Rachel has always worked with people from. diverse backgrounds providing support systems that enable people to transition into new experiences, positions and relationships making them more adaptable, resilient and flexible.  

She is also a transformation life coach and mentor, specifically trained and focused in the area of trauma and how it relates to resilience, how to utilise pain and challenges as a catalyst for change to propel you to greater outcomes. helping the individual as well as the wider community.

Eight years ago Rachel trained as a learning facilitator/ trainer certified by Pttls, and Since then has also trained as a certified coach and mentor with the progressive academy certified by NVQ, and ILM. Rachel has worked as a learning facilitator, as part of a team training and certifying coaches and mentors. She has also provided business support and advice to professionals within the private sector, corporates, CEOs, founders of SME, sole traders, actors and creatives, giving assistance that enables them to work through their challenges toward their goals.

In 2020, Rachel founded A&R coaching and consultancy which seeks to support individuals to tap into their key strengths and unique abilities, build capacity and resilience that enable them to accelerate their personal development or organisational goals, through educational programs that I have designed and developed over time.

If you would like to find out more about Consultancy, please contact us on 02475 101500