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Aubrey Maasdorp

Diversity and Inclusion Consultant and Coach

Aubrey Maasdorp has worked as a trainer and facilitator in equality, diversity, and inclusion for over 20 years.

Public and private companies he has assisted with unconscious bias and diversity include the BBC, the Guardian, Nationwide Building Society, Cool Earth, the Department of Justice, the London Borough of Islington, University College London, King’s College London, Imperial College London, Galliard Healthcare, Hachette Book Group, and Warner Music.

Aubrey worked in Sexual Health and HIV for many years as Training and Information Manager with the London Borough of Camden. He then moved to Management Development and worked as the Senior Training Officer in the Chief Executive’s Department. Prior to working as an independent consultant, Aubrey worked as acting Head of Corporate Learning and Development for the London Borough of Camden.  Aubrey has delivered numerous courses on many areas of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and management development (including LGBT+ Inclusion, Gender, Race, inclusive leadership, Inclusive recruitment).  

He is also a sought-after coach for individuals. These training sessions include helping the senior manager of a local authority with how to recruit more inclusively, a medical professional communicate more effectively, and a film director with valuing each employee while acknowledging how their differences contribute to the culture and value of the enterprise.

Aubrey brings more than extensive experience and skills to his training. He is a facilitator of choice because he has a firm focus blended with a warm empathy.

Participant after participant in his workshops have remarked on his engaging manner. Other regular feedback includes his ability to bring complex matters to life by using easy-to-understand examples, his passion, and having the personality to keep people continuously interested.

Aubrey has also delivered training in the UK and globally (including Thailand, Ireland, South Africa and Uganda).

Due to Aubrey’s knowledge and experience he has used his skills to develop and deliver training and consultancy to organisations in all sectors (private, public and voluntary).  

If you would like to find out more about Consultancy, please contact us on 02475 101500