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Includability is more than just a job board. We are a brand dedicated to welcoming employers that are committed to treating people equitably, where the only thing that matters is the ability to do the job. Our employers on it are committed to creating an authentically inclusive culture, and includability.co.uk is fully accessible thanks to a partnership with Recite Me. Our job seekers are in control of how they feel most comfortable applying for a job, with several application options available.

We aim to raise expectation and instil a level of accountability. One of the ways this will be achieved is by introducing a Five-Star Verification Process to ensure employer practices align with established definitions of an ‘Inclusive Workplace’.

We are a community centred job platform developed to raise expectation, increase accountability, and create a higher standard for what a job board should deliver through engagement, collaboration and regularly sharing best practice. 

Our platform offers job seekers and employees the opportunity to join and participate in various groups and webinars covering, Diversity and Inclusion, Environment and Sustainability, Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Ex-Military.


If you would like to find out more about Consultancy, please contact us on 02475 101500